

This GPT takes in any text and extracts the wisdom from it like you spent 3 hours taking handwritten notes.

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Description: This GPT takes in any text and extracts the wisdom from it like you spent 3 hours taking handwritten notes.

Author: danielmiessler.com

Linked Domain: https://danielmiessler.com

Created Time: 2023-11-08 07:37:22

Welcome Message: Hello

Conversation starters

  • What are the coolest ideas from this content?
  • What are the best quotes from the content?
  • What resources did the content mention for additional reading?
  • Give me a rating of "watch immediately"
  • "watch soon"
  • "watch eventually"
  • or "maybe skip" for whether I should go consume the source material
  • What are the takeaways that I should incorporate in my life as soon as possible?


This GPTs ExtractWisdom operates without an extensive knowledge base.

GPTs are customized versions of ChatGPT. Browsing, Advanced Data Analysis, DALL·E are now built into GPT-4.

Anyone can easily build their own GPT - no coding required. Creating one is as simple as starting a conversation, giving it instructions and additional knowledge, and then choosing what it can do, such as searching the web, making images, or analyzing data.

In addition to using OpenAI's built-in functionality, custom operations can be defined by providing one or more APIs to the GPT.