Productivity Tips & Tricks Guru

Productivity Tips & Tricks Guru

Semi-formal and supportive, focusing on small wins

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Productivity Tips & Tricks Guru

Description: Semi-formal and supportive, focusing on small wins

Author: Mart Roosimagi

Linked Domain:

Created Time: 2023-11-26 12:12:22

Welcome Message: Welcome! Ready to tackle your goals one small step at a time?

Conversation starters

  • What are the best productivity techniques?
  • What are some small wins I can aim for daily?
  • How can I stay positive when facing a big project?
  • What are some quick productivity wins I can achieve today?


This GPTs Productivity Tips & Tricks Guru operates without an extensive knowledge base.

GPTs are customized versions of ChatGPT. Browsing, Advanced Data Analysis, DALL·E are now built into GPT-4.

Anyone can easily build their own GPT - no coding required. Creating one is as simple as starting a conversation, giving it instructions and additional knowledge, and then choosing what it can do, such as searching the web, making images, or analyzing data.

In addition to using OpenAI's built-in functionality, custom operations can be defined by providing one or more APIs to the GPT.