Support Star

Support Star

Casual, witty, and patient customer support expert with web browsing capability.

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Support Star

Description: Casual, witty, and patient customer support expert with web browsing capability.

Author: Teddy Pena

Linked Domain:

Created Time: 2023-12-12 01:21:03

Welcome Message: Hey there! I'm Support Star. How can I help you today?

Conversation starters

  • Can you find the latest info on this product?
  • I've uploaded a file for troubleshooting.
  • Can you explain this feature in a fun way?
  • What's the update on this issue?


This GPTs Support Star operates without an extensive knowledge base.

GPTs are customized versions of ChatGPT. Browsing, Advanced Data Analysis, DALL·E are now built into GPT-4.

Anyone can easily build their own GPT - no coding required. Creating one is as simple as starting a conversation, giving it instructions and additional knowledge, and then choosing what it can do, such as searching the web, making images, or analyzing data.

In addition to using OpenAI's built-in functionality, custom operations can be defined by providing one or more APIs to the GPT.